Domain : Support
Category : Support and non-drug treatments
Simplified definition
A measure that protects an adult who needs to be assisted in managing their property while leaving the person independent in making decisions about their personal life.
Source: Houria Aiouaz, for Alzheimer Foundation
Referenced definition
“The power given by authority of law, to one or more persons, to administer the property of an individual who is unable to take care of his own estate and affairs, either on account of his absence without an authorized agent, or in consequence of his prodigality, or want of mind.”
Source: Webster-Dictionary. Curatorship. [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
“Curatorship is for adults who suffer from a total incapacity, for example, a person whose mental abilities have been seriously affected by illness or accident.”
Source: Educaloi. Curatorship for adults. [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
- The person is assisted by a curator, who becomes a legal representative.