Sporadic form
Domain : Pathophysiology
Category : My daily life
Simplified definition
Refers to a disease that is not hereditary but appears occasionally or in isolated cases.
Source: Houria Aiouaz, for Alzheimer Foundation
Referenced definition
“In a medical context, sporadic is defined as the sudden and unpredictable occurrence of some disease or infection. This term is commonly used by pathologists to determine the category of infections based on the frequency and fashion of their occurrences.”
Source: Biology Online. Sporadic. [Internet]. 2022 [cited on May 8, 2023].
“Most cases of Alzheimer’s disease are the sporadic form, and typically occur past the age of 65 (late-onset).”
Source: Blog Helix. Differences between early late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. [Internet]. 2018 [cited on May 8, 2023].