PET Scan
Domain : Diagnosis
Category : My daily life
Simplified definition
An imaging tool that shows how organs are working by injecting a tracer into the veins to find abnormal activities in the body, which helps detect diseases.
Source: Houria Aiouaz, for Alzheimer Foundation
Referenced definition
“Positon emission tomography (PET) is a type of nuclear medicine procedure that measures metabolic activity of the cells of body tissues.”
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine. Positron Emission Tomography (PET). [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
“An amyloid-PET Scan [sic] measures the build-up of abnormal amyloid protein in the brain, one of the key hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Source: Alzheimer’s Society. Having a PET scan. [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
- “PET” stands for “Positon emission tomography”.
- PET scans are particularly helpful in the diagnosis of cancers.