Short-term memory
Domain : Symptoms
Category : Learn more
Simplified definition
A type of memory that allows us to keep in mind seven items at one time for a few seconds
Source: Houria Aiouaz, for Alzheimer Foundation
Referenced definition
“The reproduction, recognition, or recall of a limited amount of material after a [short] period […]. ”
Source: American Psychology Association. Short-term memory (STM). [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
“A short-term memory‘s conversion to long-term memory requires the passage of time, which allows it to become resistant to interference from competing stimuli or disrupting factors such as injury or disease.”
Source: Scientific American. How does short-term memory work in relation to long-term memory? Are short-term daily memories somehow transferred to long-term storage while we sleep. [Internet]. Sept 26, 2007 [cited on Sept 7, 2022].
- The brain is like a computer with a hard disk to save information.
- Short-term memory enables, for instance, to keep in mind a phone number to dial it or to do mental arithmetic.